EBook The Great Cosmic Teachings of Jesus of Nazareth

The Great Cosmic Teachings for All Cultures, Worldwide This Ancient Prophecy and Cosmic Wisdom is for All People Today
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15 mar 2025
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To His apostles and disciples, who could understand them
Product Information
Spiritual Laws of the Universe
The Great Cosmic Teachings for All Cultures, Worldwide
This Ancient Prophecy and Cosmic Wisdom is for All People Today
Christ lays out in this monumental book the Spiritual Laws of the Universe which Jesus taught to His inner circle. Not a speck of cosmic wisdom is hidden from us by God! This is an eternally true prophecy given today from our divine origin, an ancient prophecy — for all cultures worldwide.
What would you answer if you were asked what Jesus of Nazareth taught the people of His time? Love of neighbor, love of enemy, peacefulness? Or, maybe lack of violence, forgiveness and asking for forgiveness? Simply: everything summarized in His Sermon on the Mount … But He, the Son of the Eternal Father, also taught much, much more! What most people know of the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth is but a thimbleful from the unending fullness of spiritual cosmic wisdom and teachings, exercises for self-recognition and insight into the true life of each soul. As He taught it to the inner circle of His disciples.
Today, through the prophetess and emissary of the eternal Kingdom, Gabriele, this great cosmic wisdom is again available to all people. It is the law of the All-Highest, which helps us understand the infinite divine correlations of all life, the laws of spiritual being, and makes us familiar with our true divine origin as the sons and daughters of God.


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