PDF Don’t Let Go - A small gift for you.

“Don’t Let Go!” – these are three words spoken into our heart by Gabriele.
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A small gift for you. “Don’t Let Go!” – these are three words spoken into our heart by Gabriele. They have a very deep meaning for those people who believe in a higher power that dwells in us, that is able to give strength, help and support in abundance. “Don’t Let Go!” means to hold on tight to the One who dwells in you, in all of us: the free Spirit of love. “Don’t Let Go!” Pray to Him in the quiet chamber! Pray to Him in hard times, particularly when despair threatens to take over! “Don’t Let Go!” helps to find an inner balance, to attain calm and harmony, through which we may experience that God is present. Download free PDF https://gabriele-publishing.com/

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